Job or Vacancy Description:
Indian Army 118th Technical Graduate Course Jan 2014: Indian Army Invites Online applications from Male Married/ Unmarried Engineering Graduates from recognized University including temporary Central/State Govt. servants, serving personnel of the regular Army and Territorial Army (including officers of Territorial Army) and serving personnel of Navy and Air Force for grant of permanent commission in the Indian Army for 118th Technical Graduate Course Jan 2014. Eligible candidates may apply through online mode on or before 13-06-2013. For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below….
Indian Army Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Vacancies: 100
Name of the Post:
A. Engineering Graduates:
1. Civil: 15 posts
2. Mechanical: 15 posts
3. Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics: 10 posts
4. Automobile/ Workshop Technology: 02 posts
5. Aeronautical/Aviation/Aerospace/ Ballistics/ Avionics: 02 posts
6. Comp Sc & Engg/Computer Technology/Info Tech / M.Sc Comp Sc: 06 posts
7. Electronics & Telecom/ Telecommunication/ Electronics & Comn/ Satellite Communication: 10 posts
8. Electronics/Opto Electronics/ Fibre Optics/ Micro Electronics & Microwave: 08 posts
9. Electronics & Instrumentation/Instrumentation: 03 posts
10. Architecture/ Building Construction Technology: 02 posts
11. Food Tech/Bio Tech/ Bio Medical Engg: 02 posts
12. Chemical Engg: 02 posts
13. Metallurgy & Explosives/ Metallurgical Engg: 01 posts
14. Industrial/ Manufacturing Engg/ Industrial Engg & Mgt/Production: 02 posts
15. For Army Education Corps (Men): 20 posts
Age Limit: Candidates age must be between 20 to 27 yrs (Born between 02 Jan 87 and 01 Jan 94) for Engineering Graduates & 23 to 27 yrs (Born between 02 Jan 87 and 01 Jan 91) for AEC Posts.
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess Degree Course in Engineering for Engineering Graduates & MA/M.Sc in English/ Economics/ history/ Geography/ Pol Science/ Psychology/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Math’s/ Computer Science/ Chinese/ Tibetan/ Burmese/ Pushto/ Dari/ Arabic for AEC posts.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected on the basis of SSB Interviews, Psychological Aptitude Test. For more information candidates can please refer notification.
How to Apply: Candidates have to apply From 15-05-2103 to 13-06-2013 through the online website www.joinindianarmy.nic. After submitting online application, candidates are required to obtain two copies of the application printout. One copy of the print out application duly signed and affixed photograph attested by Gazzetted Officer there on and attested copies of of relevant documents are to be sent by Registered Post to The “Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg-6), TGC, Section, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066? on or before 20-06-2013.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to www.joinindianarmy.nic.in
2. Click on Officers Menu button, followed by How to Apply button.
3. Click on Apply Online for particular entry on the Home Page.
4. Fill all the marked details in the form carefully.
5. Click on Submit button and take print out of system generated Acknowledgement and Application Form.
6. Send them to the address mentioned above on or before 20-06-2013.
General Instructions:
(a) Application must be sent in the format given in Army Website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. The application will be screened and shortlisted based on aggregate percentage of marks obtained by candidates at Integrated Defence Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Army) and the candidate thereafter will be detailed for SSB.
(b) Application must be accompanied by attested (By a Gazetted Officer of the Central/State Govt/1 st Class Magistrate ete.) photocopies of 10th class certificate issued by the Board concerned (CBSE/State Boards/ICSCE) in which date of birth is reflected for proof of date of birth (Admit card/Marksheet
(c) Shortlisted candidates will be detailed to undergo SSB interview from Sep / Oct 2013 onwards. No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of test conducted at SSB . All application received late or incomplete will be rejected outright. No intimation will be given to the candidate in writing
(d) Allotment of selection centres and SSB interview schedule will also be displayed regularly on website joinindianarmy.nic.in
(e) Candidates withdrawn from NDA, OTA,IMA Naval Academy, Air Force Academy on disciplinary grounds are not eligible toapply.
(f) Final merit list will be displayed at the notice board of Rtg Dte, (Off icerSelection), DG Rtg, West Block-III, R.K. Puram, New Delhi PIN-110066 as well as Indian Army, Recruiting Directorate’s garding SSB interview centre, call up details, reporting date and merit list,
g. The Gentlemen Cadets of IMA in receipt of stipend are insured for Rs 40 lac wef 01 Apr 2011. Those who get medically boarded out of Academy on account of disability, the disability cover provided for 100 per cent disability will be Rs 20 lac which is proportionately reduced upto Rs 4 lac for 20 per cent disability.
h. A candidate must either be (i) a citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) a subject of Bhutan or (iv) Tibetan origin but of Indian domicile, whose parents entered India as refugees prior to 1st January 1962 with intention of Permanently settling in India.
Tentative Last Date: 20-06-2013
About the organization:
The distinguished history of Indian Army dates back more than ten thousand years. The two grand epics of ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’ constitute the fundamental framework around which the edifice of Indian Army is built. The massive war ‘Mahabharata’, fought at Kurukshetra in north-central India, has left indelible imprints on the Indian psyche. Fought relentlessly for eighteen days in the quest of peace, the force level described in the Epic states 18 ‘Akshaunis’, seven with the ‘Pandavas’ and eleven with the ‘Kauravas’, amounting to nearly 400,000 assorted troops fighting on chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers.Though innumerable wars have been fought thereafter, most were in quest of universal peace and ‘dharma’. Recourse to arms was only taken when peace was threatened. In fact the word ‘peace’ forms the very core of Indian philosophy, which can most aptly be traced to one of India’s ancient scriptures known as the ‘Yajurveda’. It is stated in verse, the English translation of which reads – “May the sky be peaceful; may the atmosphere be peaceful; may the earth be peaceful; may eternal peace cometh upon us”.The archaeological history of India dates back to more than 2500 BC, when an urbanised civilisation known as the Indus Valley Civilisation flourished along the banks of River Indus, in the alluvial north – western plains. Similar findings like the coastal cities of Lothal and Dwarka came to light more recently along the coast of Gujarat. However, the Indus Valley Civilisation’s two urban centres at Mohenjodaro and Harappa gradually declined in the second millennium BC, and almost completely disintegrated around 1500 BC due to ecological reasons like drying up of rivers and drought. The coastal cities disintegrated due to massive floods.
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